
Man To Man


04-21-2015, 02:14 PM

Allen knew well enough the help this could be to Bass. So that he could spend time with his mate, his children. To be a father. There was some things he wanted to seek out address with Quelt as well -- he hadn't managed to speak with the other man since he rejoined Abaven. Yes... there was much to do. Much to step up to. The calico gentleman would wait quietly for Bass to answer. The white male was quiet for awhile, perhaps thinking on his proposal. Allen didn't mind the silence however. He didn't want to rush Bass' decision, or influence it any further. He wanted this to be completely his decision.

Finally Bass would accept his proposal, and like that he was Azgrat of Abaven. The man would tip his head forward as Bass toched his nose to his forehead. He would return the embrace for a brief moment before letting his leg fall and stepping back as well. The man would lift his head back to the sky, joining Bass in the call. Abaven had two leaders once more. Allen couldn't be more thrilled, and more honored, that he was standing beside Bass now.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah