
That Girl



06-10-2013, 03:06 PM

He waited for her to say something, eyes shimmering with curiosity. He was already so interested in her, and they had only just met! "Thinking? Something bothering you? And I can tell, not very many wolves come out here alone, especially not someone like you. He wondered what was going through her mind. Was something bothering this princess? Better yet... Did she have lover, a mate, or anything of that sort? Or was she up for grabs? Not that he would instantly hit on her, but she was certainly something to dab at. He could at least try, and based of her reaction, get an indirect answer? He was eager to find out her relationship status, but he would wait util after some more small talk to make a move. Valhalla. What an interesting name. I have two cousins actually, their names are Gerhardt and Gideon Mathias. Gerhardt leads the pack, so he's doing well. I'm very proud of him! Gideon, well I haven't met up with him again yet. He hasn't been around the past few days I have been in Sercia. Gerhardt says he's out chasing gals, which is just typical Gideon. He shrugged, a slight chuckle following his words. Oh Gideon, he was a dog wasn't he? And Gerhardt had always been the more regal one, so him being in power wasn't surprising. Adette on the other hand... He had expected her to do something to cause Gerhardt to leave her. She was something else. So Valhalla huh? I've heard Gerhardt mention that name before. Something about his son going there to marry a princess? I don't know too much, I tend to stay out of politics. I like to focus more on other things. Like happiness for example."

Italian Accent Speech,