
Nearer than heaven


04-21-2015, 03:08 PM

The day was beginning to end. Twilight descended upon the earth, dulling the vibrant colors of the plains. The man was finishing a patrol for the day, having spent much of the day covering the territory. He was more active, just as he promised to Bass. The man deserved time with his family while he still had them. There would be time for other things later. He would smile to himself, padding along with a small smile on his face. He would sway back and forth, almost as if dancing to the music within his head. He was happy, and it wasn't until he heard the call of a loner that he would give pause.

He found it a bit strange someone would call at this late hour. The calico gentleman would adjust his course  slightly and picked up his pace. It wouldn't be good to keep whomever it was waiting, now would it?

What he found was a light colored she wolf upon the border. Allen would approach her with tail and head held high, his dark gaze bright. He would smile as he came up though, not wanting to appear to serious and intimidate the young lass. Bass was already there however, and Allen would fall into place beside his friend. He had arrived in time to hear the younger man ask for the reason of her call, and the calico gentleman would stand there to await the answer as well.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah