
Put a plaster on it



5 Years
04-21-2015, 10:15 PM

The answer that he'd get to his question made him worry a bit more than he had earlier, he'd been completely in jest when he'd made the comment but the way Sorrel answered him. Now he was doubting his safety a little more. He'd narrow his gaze as he watched Sorrel, his mood much more somber as he watched the boy work. He really had brushed with death today, what if the creature had gored him somewhere vital? He could have easily been killed. Yet here he was, joking about his own mortality. Not that he would doubt Sorrel's aptitude for his art, he was eager to see the boy's skills. Sucks he had to be the one whose life depended on those skills. Ah well, better he than his wife or children.

Sorrel would leave him suddenly, slightly alarmed Frith would try to watch him, but the alpha could feel his weakness. He'd sigh having difficulties keeping his head lifted from his paws. He knew it would be better if he kept himself awake though. There would be plenty of time to sleep once he got back to the den. He'd be able to crash and totally skip the worried frettings and scoldings of his wife. He'd been gored by a one horned goat. What kind of loser was he? Frith would chuckle to himself softly as Sorrel returned.

The boy would clean his wound first with a mouth full of water, which wasn't so bad. However when his tongue lashed at the laceration there was an incredible burn. Frith would hiss, closing his eyes in pain but he wouldn't move. "I might have been sleeping before you cleaned the thing out. That hurt." It had to be done though, he knew the effects of infection and he did not want that.


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