
Once upon a different life



2 Years
Extra large
04-22-2015, 03:34 AM
During his mother's illness, Aslan had taken to doing what he could to help with the duties of the pack. One part of that had been to help with the patrols. Typically he didn't do those at night and whilst the days had got shorter, it was no excuse for being out now as the darkness began to fall and the first stars appeared in the sky. Perhaps he simply wanted an excuse to walk, it was a pleasant and peaceful evening, the weather cooling though still surprisingly warm for this late into the season and for some reason the boy was wide awake.

It was probably a foolish decision to make, he was sure his parents wouldn't exactly be overly pleased with the idea and maybe they had good reason too if they had any idea what was lurking around the borders this particular evening. A mountain lion had chosen to ignore the scent markers, not a wolf herself she surely wouldn't have to abide by their rules and a general curiosity had led her towards the lands. She was still rather young, around Aslan's age in fact and apparently possessed that same naivety he did at the moment.

Their paths were bound to cross at some point on Aslan's patrol and whilst the cougar had been somewhat careful, it wasn't quite careful enough and the two would meet now. Aslan, very large for a wolf stood far taller than the mountain lion, the other end of the spectrum and on the small side for her species, not that Aslan had any idea how big or small they were meant to be, he'd not really encountered any felines before.

"Hello." He greeted, his mind playing over the typical welcoming speech you were supposed to give wolves lingering on the borders. Of course he'd never used them before himself, his own patrols had been very quiet the only exciting thing to happen to him on the borders had been when he'd joined his parents for the meeting with Epiphron. Well and now this. "I am Aslan Destruction, prologue of Threar. Who are you and what are doing here?" He kept his tone polite and refrained from asking the somewhat rude 'what are you' though truth be told the same question was lingering in Lux's mind. Whilst she had seen other canines, she'd never stopped to ask what they actually were before, choosing instead to keep to herself. She had hoped to do the same tonight.

"I'm going." Was all she offered, it surely wasn't safe to linger here anymore. Perhaps she would need to be careful about straying too close to these large groups of wolves. She didn't wait for any answer, nor give him chance to react as she suddenly turned and ran back the way she had come. Aslan moved to follow. "Wait!" He called, attempting to run after her, though the head start and quicker speed meant she had soon gone from view and his attempts were useless. Disappointed he put an end to his patrol for that night, though hoped to see the mountain lion again. Conflicted, she too shared the curiosity with him, he hadn't seemed dangerous though she hadn't wanted to chance it.