
You sort the tunes and I'll bring the beers



5 Years
04-22-2015, 03:53 AM
The first stranger to arrive certainly looked as though she had lived through her share of hardships. She wouldn't hesitate in walking straight up to the two Authors and offering them an introduction. Adravendi, it appeared to be more popular a name than Novella had previously realised though she wouldn't enquire into such things now, instead offering her own introduction to the fellow alpha. "I am Novella Destruction, this is my husband Frith we are the Authors of Threar. Thank you for joining us." She'd look forwards to speaking more with the other alphas at a later date but for now there were others to welcome as they arrived.

"This is a festival" She explained to her confused looking children as they arrived. "Meet new people, have some fun. There will be events as well at some point. You don't have to just stick around here." Hopefully they too would find some enjoyment in this, new friends surely wouldn't do them any harm.

"No need for such formalities Hecate, Novella and Frith will do just fine." She'd never had much of an ego and as a leader that hadn't changed. Yes she had more responsibilities, did deserve respect but the fancy titles just still didn't feel right to her. "If it gets too much for you don't be afraid to head back to Threar for a while, I'm sure you won't be the only one taking that option."

Next to arrive was a rather pregnant female, another Adravendi it seemed as she introduced herself. "It's nice to meet you both. I'm Novella Destruction, this is my husband Frith." Surreal certainly got the idea of the hope of peace here for the festivities. It was a team-building, relationship-strengthening that had brought forwards this idea, hopefully others would see it that way too. Such a heavily pregnant state, Novella could sympathise, the last festival Alacritia had seen she had been expecting her first litter. She'd try to keep an eye on her, make sure she was ok and still included in some sort of manner.