



10 Years
04-22-2015, 07:29 AM
Perhaps it was because her life had been so simple that she remembered Callisto so easily. Ara couldn't help but think fondly upon those days, when life had been so much easier -- she missed when she'd romped freely amongst her siblings in Seracia, collecting herbs for her parents, roaming with Faolan and Jendai and Mercury..

And yet everything had changed, even though she remembered those days with alarming clarity. Those times would never return, even if all they reunited, and even when she found her parents again. Still she thought of her meeting with Callisto fondly, for she was one of the few wolves she'd met that had been interested in healing, even if they'd just been children back then. A gentle smile played on her lips as Callisto confirmed she hadn't taken a liking to mind even now, her tail giving a gentle but hesitant wag.

She listened intently as she explained she'd lived there. "Did you live in the mangrove?" she'd probe gently, content to push the topic a bit more when she realized her inquiry hadn't been taken badly. "I live there now," Ara would add on absently. "The pack was called Ludicael before, but it's Fiori now. The old leader was... killed." The topic of death was unpleasant for her to speak of, though she hadn't known Jupiter at all, and didn't really care for her either given the fact that she'd taken her loved ones prisoner. "I know of Ebony too," she'd comment with another shy smile. "I was allowed there twice, when I was a bit younger, to collect some herbs. A man named... Vaughn let me in, if I remember correctly. And I met a woman named Katja too, the second time."

The acknowledgement that she was indeed a healer forced Ara's tail to wag again in joy. "I am glad you continued to learn," she'd say, her voice soft but genuine, and brimming with the most subtle, subdued excitement. "It's.. nice to meet someone like me."