
You sort the tunes and I'll bring the beers



7 Years
04-22-2015, 09:05 AM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2015, 11:30 AM by Surreal.)
Surreal Adravendi

The lady, when she spoke, was obviously the one who had voiced the call. The tones were the same. She introduced herself as Novella Destruction. Oh! A Destruction! Surreals ears perked. ”My mother met a Song Destruction, back when she was Queen of Valhalla. Song was the alpha of Ludicael at the time and having her litter with a little difficulty. My mother was Erani Adravendi. An experienced healer, as well. It is a pleasure to meet you, both. I’ve heard great things of your family. ” There was no sarcasm in her eyes or voice, nor in her posture; instead, she radiated honesty. They had even had a Destruction in Valhalla for a short time, not long before the challenge that ruined everything (again). Bass, she thought it was.

Arian, when Surreal spoke to her, recoiled faintly. It didn’t surprise Surreal, whatever had happened to her adopted niece must have been horrific. Surreal didn’t try to coddle her niece, instead waiting patiently for Arian to handle herself and get under control. A small smile of pride pulled over her silver and black features as Arian pulled together while answering Surreals inquiry about Odette. It was common in the family. However, it was a given that they would come back eventually, or descendents of themselves would return. She nodded in response, then cocked her ears forward as Arian made an offer of refuge in her pack. Leave the Plains? The north had never been a place Surreal truly wished to go, especially to live.

So, she shook her head gently, giving her answer honestly. ”Arcanum has been exterminated. The Plains have been freed. Myself, Falk, and our son and remaining daughter have settled in, and I hope to raise Valhalla from the ashes under a new name. Hopefully by the end of Winter or sooner. I would, however, love to form an Alliance with your pack in the future.” A grin sent her tongue lolling slightly, her eyes sparkling. A familiar coat caught her eye through the different wolves around them, and she looked over to see Korrs familiar scarred face among the strangers. She caught his eye long enough to not issue an accidental challenge, but to catch his attention and offer him a spot next to her. She had long since guessed that he understood very, very little of the Common tongue. If he needed, she could translate for him. She enjoyed such things.

Her eyes cast around the crowd. Regulus, it seemed, had paused to stare around at the crowd. She hoped he would make a friend or two. Meanwhile, she didn’t see her mate, or Zuriel yet. She did hope both would come. Of course, with Falk being blind and still adjusting, they might be a little longer.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think