



9 Years
04-22-2015, 01:47 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Briena
Age: 23

Character's Name: Kavdaya
Character Age: 4
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 30”
Appearance Description: Garbed in snowy white, the elegant female stands at a graceful height of 30 inches, weighing in at 98 pounds. Her fur is thick and fluffy, wreathing her neck in a thick ruff. Her face is beautiful, her muzzle narrow and feminine, tipped with a black nose. Her eyes are large and intelligent, gems of deep sapphire touched with dark amethyst flecks, giving them an almost celestial, bewitching shimmer. Her legs are long and graceful, making up most of her average height, ending in fine paws. Her tail is thick, fluffy, with long hairs that seem to run in the majority of her entire family. Eloquent with language both in body and voice, she enunciates her words with poise.
Her voice is rich, nearly sultry, with a hint of purr, whether she’s in ‘the mood’ or merely speaking in general. It’s soothing, and laced with a heavy Irish brogue. However, it’s not a regional accent rendered incomprehensible. It is an educated accent, refined and elegant as the wolf. As is full custom of the Nomads, she speaks fluently in the Old Tongue (Irish Gaelic).
As a Nomad of higher training, she bears the Nomad mark of a fully trained Healer; Two vertical scars between her brow points, with outward facing lowercase ‘C’s backed against the vertical lines, facing outward to her brow points, and a diagonal line starting at the top of the right vertical line, and ending at the bottom of the left vertical line. She carries this mark with pride and surety. During the healing of her marks, blackberries were rubbed into the wounds along with the healing salves, with the intention of forcing the fur to grow back in a light violet hue. It shows stark against her snowy fur, for all to see.
Her frame is light, but do not mistake her frame for having no muscle. She is lithely built under her fluffy fur, with strong muscles worn hard by defensive combat training ever since her sixth month of life. She moves with a regal grace, head held high.
Her ears are well sized to her head, neither too large, nor too small, and ever alert

Skills: Healing, Intellect

Proof of Purchases: N/A