
Good Day To You, Young Sir.


04-22-2015, 02:31 PM

The calico gentleman was not waiting all that long. A stranger would approach, head held high, and Allen could only make the assumption that this was the alpha of the pack. He would tip his head to the stranger, a smile upon his maw. “Greetings young sir!” He would return the hearty greeting with one of his own, his tail wagging slowly upon the earth. Donostrea... It was not a name that he could recall Bass having mentioned. It was one to remember for certain.

“My name is Allen, the Azgrat or secondary alpha of the pack of Abaven. I was just going about meeting some of the other packs of Alacritis and yours happened to be the first doorstep I wandered up to.” He would tip his head.

“Now please, I’m not necessarily here for alliance talk, but I would hope that we might be able to enjoy a chat anyway, if you have a spare moment? It could never hurt to learn a little about where a pack stands regardless of alliances and such, right?"

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah