



5 Years
04-22-2015, 05:14 PM
Starling had been doing what Star did best. Seeking out herbs. It was his calling, he knew that now, especially after that terrible sparring practice. He honestly never wanted to have to deal with that again, he would much rather be the healer. Let Shrike be the battle medic, Starling would stay at home and heal the sick and birth the babies. That sounded good. Which meant Starling had to learn more, he wanted to learn it all! He wanted to be able to go anywhere he was needed and know just how to heal any ailment. He wanted to know it all! His siblings could be good fighters or scouts, but Starling...he wanted to be a master.

He wanted to be the one that others came to for lessons.

With a gentle grin he moved along the rapids, seeking out some Horsetail. He knew this one well, since it grew along the rapids, was rather useful. His search was interrupted, however, when his father called for him. With a tilt of his head he turned towards his father's call. His heart leapt and his eyes grew wide as a happy grin spread across his lips. "Padre! Sto arrivando!" He called over the distance, the largest grin on his lips before he paused, blinking as he saw the smallest stalk of horsetail growing between a rock. It was rare to find them in the coldness of autumn, but there it was...and he wouldn't pass it up. Quickly plucking the plank as close to the roots as possible, he leapt towards his father, prize in his grasp.

With the brightest of grins he'd place it at his paws when he reached Bass, a bright grin upon his lips. It was rare to see Starling so openly happy, but knowing he got a chance to spend time with his father, and alone, it made him so happy, so excited. "Quali parole? Altro italiano?" His dialect may be a tad broken, but Starling seemed to excel in the language. He often tried to find his mother or father to find the name of his herbs and would use those instead of their english names. It allowed him to remember better. Italian was not only a means of communication for the child, it allowed him out of his shell. He hardly stuttered when speaking the language, knowing only those important to him could really understand what he was saying. He didn't fear really looking silly infront of his family...well, most days.
"Talk"  "Italian"