
Walking the Edge


06-10-2013, 04:17 PM
Aqua blue eyes settled once more on Ashtoreth as she said she had been better in a friendly tone with a smile. Thane returned the smile but it quickly faded into his somewhat normal serious face as she spilled out an apology to the male. The brute sat there quietly and patiently as he perked up his white lined ears to take in every word.She was upset as the brute expected, but she also mentioned her responsibility, and she said it was no excuse; and said she should have told him earlier.

With a small nod Thane sat there with his gaze staring down at his dark gray feet as he contemplated his answer. As the wolf took in a breath he closed his eyes before opening them as he lifted up his head to then turn and look Ashtoreth in the eyes.

"I for one do not see this as a mistake but as a learning experience. Personally I do not think that you have done any have two main responsibilities...your duty as a hunter and yourself. I appreciate your apology but we are all brought down aren't we? Foolishness should not be frowned upon. Without it...what sort of wolves would we all be? We wouldn't learn from our mistakes and prosper as we continue. I'm not saying that you made a mistake but,you weren't drawn too far astray from your second responsibility. you were drawn to your first and foremost one, yourself. And no, that isn't being selfish. Without having everyone care for themselves where would all the wolves be?" he said in a soft gentle tone as he finished with a smile

"I myself have been drawn from my duties because of my family. But that isn't bad. We take time to nurture ourselves, our young, our mates, then return to our daily responsibility. But we as a pack, Valhalla, we're a family. I'm sure you must have not felt all too well after your injury but I'll let you know that you can always come to me Ashtoreth. You aren't just a hunter, you're part of our family, and family has to stick together."

With a small chuckle Thane spoke up once more before ceasing his long but useful words of wisdom.

"Even I couldn't come out here to find you while I had three little rascals biting at my tail." he said with another smile.

The male's aqua blue gaze looked at Ashtoreth as he quieted down to let his words sink in. Hopefully she would understand what he meant. And hopefully she wouldn't feel so bad. Thane's tail dragged back and forth across the ground as he waited...patiently...content...and calm. The brute was all ears and was here to listen to anything else the dame had to say.