
Baby baby



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
04-22-2015, 09:30 PM

Revenge's speech was as short as ever as he simply repeated the boy's name, something Esti wasn't sure if she admired or hated. It made her feel safe, though, like talking to the willows. The boy reminded her somewhat of her make-believe kingdom, with righteous willows that whispered, but never really said anything. Revenge was much the same way, there, present, but quiet. At the same time, though, like the trees, Esti felt that they never really cared about her anyway. Revenge's warmth at her side said differently, though. Her friend- if she really considered him that- pushed into her in response to her touch. She thought again about her time in the willows with Dusk and Titania. They were her friends too, and yet, they were all gone too. Was Revenge the same?

He'd answer her, stating that he didn't have pups yet. Esti's ears flicked as she was brought back from her thoughts. She'd hum in reply into Revenge's fur, closing her eyes for a minute before Revenge asked, "So, why Valentine?" making her eyes shoot back open as she recoiled from his touch in reflex, "I uh, well... It's really..." She couldn't just admit to not knowing that sex made you pregnant. Her eyes averted from Revenge, "It was casual... An accident..." she'd murmur, not knowing if she should feel ashamed. Her heart sped up thinking of the mistake, of how she found out, of the days she stayed lying at the bottom of a barren den feeling like she was coming out of her skin while the pup grew inside of her. Why Valentine? Why did she have a pup with Valentine, "He has others, but I-" she looked back at the brute now, trying to calm herself a bit, "- I had others too, but I didn't know..." she trailed off, her eyes focusing on the ground while her body stayed rigid.

The pup wriggled at her side and shivers ran up Esti's spine, "It- he wasn't planned. Valentine and I aren't... we aren't special to one another really. I mean... I care for him. It's just..." She was so flustered, not knowing how to put what Valentine and her were into words, "We have a pup together, but we're not... committed... to one another." she would say hesitantly, slowly, trying to get the correct meaning of the words down, "So this," she aimed to give Revenge a quick lick on the neck, "This is fine. Shit! Unless you have someone then no, not fine, at all!" Her eyes were widened and her brow furrowed as her voice became hushed and hurried. She looked at Revenge in the eyes. Did he have someone he was committed to? Surely not if he had been pressing against her, right? She couldn't deal with jealous women right now. Her eyes bounced from Revenge's eyes to his maw. Had they kissed last time she had met with him? Did he have someone he kissed now? Someone he loved? Esti's eyes met back with his eyes. She certainly hoped not.
