
Thalos Destruction


04-23-2015, 06:59 AM


Height:: 39” || Weight:: 166 lbs
Traits:: Tall, Long Legged, Slim, Lanky

The young man holds a form that is tall, more leg than much else of his body. He will come to stand at thirty-nine inches at his full height and weigh in at one hundred and fourty six pounds. While this is not an overly impressive size, the slim and lanky creature will be a handsome sight to behold. His fur will be sleek and smooth to the touch, almost as soft as the downy feathers of a bird. His frame will support his weight easily, clearly more built for speed. He is not by no means a weak man, however, for his body is very durable.

Thalos carries himself with a sense of pride, yet not an inflated ego. He has his strengths and weaknesses and it reflects in how he presents himself to others. His eyes are very expressive, brow often wrinkled in thought. He walks with a sense of purpose, keeping his ears and eyes alert. He has someone that he wants to dearly protect, and thus he must always be ready to do so.

A rich coat of dark chocolate will coat the dorsal half of the young man, met by a creamy vanilla that will coat his underside. A thin coat of this vanilla also drapes across the back of his neck and across his back, running down to the middle of his tail. Destruction inherited eye markings rest beneath either eye, and also runs up his snout in a beautifully shaped marking. Vanilla also tips his ears, and pure white claws set upon each foot. Finally a set of ember orbs, like burning coals, rest upon his face.


Good Traits:: Caring, Gentle, Kind, Loyal, Honorable, Intelligent, Trustworthy, Proactive, Open-Minded
Neutral Traits:: Firm, Serious, Cautious, Protective
Bad Traits:: Anti-Social, Bad Temper, Stubborn

If one thing can be said about Thalos it is that his is a loyal young man. This loyalty goes first and foremost to his family, who he holds deep respect and love for. Farore, his sister, holds the most of his loyalty, for she is his other half in a sense. He is a man of his word, and when he says that he is going to do something you can be sure that he is going to do it. He is not one to ever go back on his word, giving him the sense of a trustworthy individual that you can count on through times thick and thin. He would never turn his back on his family, no matter how dire the situation, and stands with those he loves through anything and everything.

Thalos has a soft and caring side to him. He enjoys being with others, listening to them and talking of his own days. He likes to take care of others too, which is probably where his nature around Farore comes in. He feels a sense of accomplishment, as well as joy, whenever he sees the smile on the face of someone he has helped. He is kind to those that he meets, though he knows not to be overly friendly and share all sorts of important information with strangers. He does keep an open mind, however, about meeting others and making potential friends.

While he is kind and gentle Thalos knows when to be firm. He has a serious side to him that comes out when things need to be done, or when he needs to make sure someone is taking medicine and things of that nature. He does not particularly like being serious, but he knows that sometimes it is necessary. While he wouldn't force someone to do something that they didn't want to do he will certainly coax them to do it if it is for their own good.

Thalos is also a thinker. He spends much of his time deep in thought, wondering about the world and the things that he can do. He wants to not only better himself but his entire pack with the things that he does. He is often the sort who thinks before he leaps... but that doesn't mean he is not going to leap! Doing things is the best way to get better at them, and Thalos wants to do it all!

While all the above traits define him, the last thing that sums it all up is that Thalos is protective. His sister Farore means the world to him, and he would go down fighting if it meant he could keep her safe. His love for her knows no bounds, and his will to protect her follows suit. Anything that stands between them is met by Thalos' fangs and claws.

Like all wolves however Thalos has his flaws. He has a temper, rooted deep within his brain, that will show up at times whenever he is protecting Farore {or defending the honor of another family member}. While he is not necessarily quick to anger, his temper is something that is quite fierce. He can almost seem intimidating when angry, a force to be reckoned with.

Thalos can also be very bad when it comes to socializing with those outside of his family. He spends much of his life wrapped around his sister and family members that it causes him to shun the chance to met others. All he wants to do is remain close to his family, believing that they are the only ones that he needs in this world to be happy. He is also very stubborn when he makes up his mind about things. He is firm in his decisions, almost like trying to move of a wall when you’re trying to convince him something other than what he has decided for himself.


-Adventures! I want these two, once they're old enough, to go all over Alacritia. Perhaps meeting different pack wolves together. Learning the different alignments firsthand and getting into all sorts of trouble with every sort of and other species! They need to do all the things!

-Close as glue {think like mates, but without that sort of love unless you want xD I'm down for anything} these two will have an inseparable bond even as they age. As children they need to discover a bunch of neat things as well. {Seeing fish together for the first time, angry birds nest like in the example, meeting foxes, odd colored wolves, other creatures....}

-I just really want to have a good threading partner and I seriously do not thread enough with you. ;w; Plus I can see a lot of potential cutes in these guys.

RP sample:

The day was beautiful and bright, the sun shining down through the clouds as the two young wolves walked side by side. This was how Thalos liked it, just the two of them, and no one else. Farore was better than most of them anyway. She was kind and made him smile. She was a source of fun when there was no other source to be had. He would be by her side almost always, rarely straying away. In some ways Thalos viewed himself as her bodyguard. The one who was meant to keep her safe and would keep her safe from anything and everything that happened upon her. It was his duty.

Gaze would flick to the land around them. He didn’t know what they were going to get into today but it was sure to be fun! The male would let his ember colored gaze flick to Farore as she walked next to him. His tail would begin to wag slowly back and forth, at least, until he heard the angry cawing.

What on earth had they stirred up now?! Ears would pin back, eyes flicking to the sky. There, high above them, was a pair of birds. What the hell was their problem?! They hadn’t done anything! Thalos would let out a little growl, moving protectively in front of his sister. “Farore, stay behind me!” The birds were circling above them, cawing angrily, and the boy would brace himself. He wasn’t sure how he was going to protect Farore and himself, but he was going to try his hardest to make sure that she wasn’t hurt. He would take a step forward, letting out a bark to the fowl.

“Come on you stupid birds! Come and get me!” If they focused on him then maybe Farore could get away...