
Fuel his mind


06-10-2013, 04:02 PM
Ok so Azzerzazzers and I made brobros, Baxter and Kovu. Their last name is Karvichi but that doesn't really matter now does it xD anywaaayyys Maka plays Bax and he has the brains and Azz plays Kovu and he has the claws. So Kovu is basically his brothers bodyguard. Like whatever Bax really says or tells him to do he does.

Here they are before you read any further.
user posted image

Baxter is behind Kovu and Kovu is in front of Baxter. So yerp, some handsome boys right there

So yeah they're handsome, they're tough. What more can you want.

But personally Baxter is open for and devious plots or anything like that. If you want a char char(character) killed then Maka and Azzerzazzers can help with that xD.

Or if you want an unsuspecting female to get the feces raped out of her then yeah Bax can do that too lol.

Usually Bax and Kovu are together so if you want to do something elaborate Maka's up for it. And Baxter doesn't really fight. He just makes the devious plots and Kovu is the fighter or enforcer of the plots should I say. Soooo yeah grab a slice of Bax and Kovu ;)