
Let's Be Alone Together {Birth thread~}


04-23-2015, 09:33 AM

Emery was afraid. Afraid for his mate, his beloved. He would watch over her with a worried look, another whine escaping him. He wasn't sure what to tell her to do. He had never given birth himself after all {and he wouldn't anyway because he was a male but you know}. He would lick her ear, trying to keep her calm, as well as himself, as she went through the process. In almost no time at all a little bundle was produced.

Brown, just like his mother, though the marks on his cheeks were certainly like Emery's own. The new father would blink, then beam with pride as he looked down at the little one. He was precious... So caught up in the beauty of life he forgot about his fear, and instead was able to tackle things with a bit more of a level head.

"Just breath..." Emery would advise his mate. He would gently nuzzle her, taking a breath of his own. "Breathe and push... let your body do as nature intended." Soon another pup would be produced too... more of a tan and white combination. Then, finally, one last little one would be produced as well. White and black -- more of a throwback to him and his family line than anything. They were beautiful.

The male would help the little ones to Silveris' side so that they could suckle as she finished cleaning them, gaze shifting to his beloved when she spoke. "Names huh? I haven't really thought much on that." He admitted sheepishly. "I was hoping you'd have more ideas." He'd look down at his little ones, two boys and a girl. "This one..." He'd motion with his nose at the tan and white pup, "I think we should call Ion, maybe?" He'd lift his gaze back to her, tail swishing back and forth.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think