
Pretty Colors


04-23-2015, 10:05 AM

Guilt ate at him as his sister spoke. He knew that it was all his fault that he and Mystic hadn't had the best relationship... that he had misunderstood things as a child. He would lower his gaze, his ears falling to rest upon his head. He would give a soft sigh, closing his eyes tightly as he thought of what he could say. Would anything ever be okay? "I know I made you feel down... and... I'm really sorry, Mystic." The young man would say softly.

"I never really hated you though. Not then... not now... not ever. I was just... I just didn't understand. I was so afraid of being unloved that I made myself believe that I was. That you were stealing father away when you really weren't. I felt alone... but... truth was... I never was." The young man would lift his gaze back to his sister, tears shining in his eyes.

"When you were taken I felt so guilty... so horrible... I love having you as my sister, Mystic, I do. I didn't want anything bad to ever happen to you... I wanted you safe... here... with us. I'm just sorry it took so long for me to come to realize that things were okay how they were."

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby