
The Kid's Aren't Alright


04-23-2015, 10:26 AM

Hmm... a guard. "Being a guard wouldn't be too bad." Einarr thought about it for a moment, deciding that he wouldn't actually mind that rank if it came to his choice. He doubted that his mother would force him to follow any particular path so long as he was active within the pack and did what he needed to do. He was secretly pleased as Eirik mentioned that his mother had helped them out a lot too. She had been trying her hardest for Secretua... it was truly a home to her. He found, the longer he stayed, that it was becoming a home to him too.

But then the attention was turned on him, the question leaving Eirik's lips having Einarr shift a little. It was strange being made to answer the question, to talk about himself at all. "I suppose that I like it. At first I was very wary of everything and everyone... I thought that I couldn't trust them." He admitted. "It was as I grew older though that I saw how the pack really was... that things were not as bad as I believed." He would smile some.

"Guess you could say I'm finally starting to accept Secretua as my home too. It seems the wolves here really do look out for each other well." He would decide to ask a question of his own. "I know your dad is the Guardian and all but... what are your views of the pack and the wolves here?"


Table by:: Eldarwen