
Snack Time, Brats (pup hunt)



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
04-23-2015, 11:15 AM

Just as he finished his introduction, his brother, Angelus, cooed out his name and bounded in for a big slobbery kiss. The boy made an almost choking sound as he made a dash for it a second too late. His brother's tongue smacked him between the shoulders and, in his struggle to get away, pulled up his head to just about between his ears as Ash reeled away forcefully, "Gelussss!" he cried as he stumbled a few feet away and turned to look at his brother, his ear pinned, "Why'dya gotta go and DO that?!" The pup shook his coat several times to no avail. He would get revenge later, definitely, he thought. He made a face that was probably way more cute than threatening thanks to the birdlike stalks of fur now standing on end at the top of his head.

Stumbling away from his teasing brother, Ash noticed a mournful girl and a dirt-colored other looking all gloomy in the side of the group. Ash made his way to them and tried to whisper, "Psst, hey, why are you all grumpy? Did your brother mess up your fur too?" He'd ask, eyeing Angelus again.

At some point, Cascade started talking and Ashmedai hung onto her every word... when he could focus. Try as he might, he had a young mind and it wandered terribly off and on during the woman's speech. When she started demonstrating how to hunt, the stormy boy followed right along. When she crouched, he crouched, when she stepped on a stick and broke it, he stepped on a stick and... Hey, that stick didn't break! Maybe this one would! No? What about this one? The boy pattered around stomping sticks until one broke. A smile rose on the boy's face. It really did make a nice noise. He found another one, pounding on it with both paws a time or two until it snapped. Then he found another. Breaking sticks was fun! He found a big one, one that was definitely gonna pop really loud. He pounced on it. It didn't break. He tried again. It still didn't budge. A few more tries met with confusion. If the stick was gonna be like that, fine. Ash snatched the stick up and settled for biting on it furiously.

Oh yeah, Cascade was still talking. It continued for some time and Ash gnawed on his stick and listened until she asked them to try stepping softly. Ashmedai jumped straight up and tried it. Toes... paw! Toes... PAW! A stick cracked under his paw. Oops, maybe not like that. His eyes dashed to Cascade and he tried it again, softer this time. Nothing broke this time and after one or two more tries, Ashmedai decided he could probably walk like that forever. His tail swayed slightly as he began to prance around, tow to heel. He moved faster until he was trotting around in the odd display. He was so good at this. He completely forgot about the leaves and grass that he was supposed to be avoiding, but hey, he wasn't even breaking that many sticks anymore!


Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.