
You Won't Let Me Stay Down, You'll Pick Me Back Up



5 Years
04-23-2015, 03:37 PM
Starling would wait for his brother, his ears pulled back and bright blue eyes staring desperately at Shrike. Something was the matter, and it wasn't natural. When he began to speak though, Starling couldn't help but look down at the ground. So that was it? Shrike wasn't understanding the material handed to him? He shifted from paw to paw, his mind whirling with ways to help his brother when suddenly he was talking about going away, and how he was a burden. His head snapped up, his eyes hard for a second before quickly softening, a small smile tugging at his lips. Stepping forward and attempting to place a paw along his shoulder. "Shrike.." He whispered, his voice steady as he met his brother's eyes. "You are more than you g-give yourself credit f-for.." He whispered, cursing his stuttering. It made it sound less real when he did that. But instead he shook his head, smiling brightly at him. "A-at least you don't t-trip over y-your paws every step.." He laughed softly, making fun of himself as he moved forward to nudge his nose against Shrike, to give him his love. Stepping away then, excitement running in his veins, he would circle back. With the brightest of grins he'd look at Shrike. "P-perhaps you're j-just learning wrong! Let me h-help you." He said with a bright smile. "I-I know italian...I am q-quiet...and I k-know herbs! W-we can make i-it a game, a c-competition." He said with the brightest of smiles. "W-we'll surprise them all...of..umh, your usefulness. Y-you're amazingness. Y-you just have t-to tap into's all." He would nod his head then, convinced. Yes, this would work just fine, and Starling would be able to help his family in more ways than just healing their booboos. Perhaps he could learn for them, and then teach in ways that only a sibling could. With games and competitions and sibling rivalry. Yes, that would work....he hoped.
