


04-23-2015, 04:32 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Keno
Age: 22

Character's Name: Absentia
Character Age: Pup
Season of Birth: Autumn
Adult Height: 25"
Appearance Description:

This girl is small and lithe, standing at a mere twenty five inches in height. She was born the runt of her litter, her body small and frail. Her weight fairs must worse, being only sixty pounds even when she completely fills out. Her form done not look sickly, but she definitely looks like a skinny little thing. She is a runner for certain, very little meat and muscle upon her body. Her tail is long and her fur is bushy all around, giving her a largely fluffy look.

The girl carries herself with a submissive posture. She is not at all aggressive of intense, bearing a wide eyed look of innocence. She walks slowly, almost as if afraid that if she hurries along she’ll upset the natural balance of things. The girls ears are often alert, either looking for signs of danger or something interesting to observe.

One thing can be said when looking at Absetnia is that the girl is green. Not in a sickly color, oh no, but rather her entire coat is made up of shades of the color. A forest green makes up her base coat, a lighter, moss green coming across the back of her neck, over her shoulders, and down her back onto her tail. The smae color also graces each paw with it’s presence, as well as the right ear and snip above the nose

A light shade of green coats her jaws and much of her front legs, giving her dark for a bit of light. The lighter shade of green also touches her tail tip and left ear’s base. Her eyes and nose too are shades of green, the nose darker than the base color, almost black, and her eyes more of a grass green.

Skills: Healing / Intellect

Proof of Purchases: Character Slot 23 / Rogue Pup Pass || Open Character Pass