
Put a plaster on it



3 Years
04-24-2015, 03:33 AM
Sorrel Destruction-Gringoire

Ellingham would handle the more friendly part of patient care though of course the owl wasn't there all the time nor was Sorrel sure everyone would actually appreciate him anyway not that he was even fully aware that it'd probably do him well to be a little nicer to those in his care or even just those around him in general. It wouldn't take too much effort to encourage Frith to eat the herbs though he would comment on the taste. It wasn't the nicest thing in the world but he'd told Aslan to save something for Frith from the hunt (the boy probably would have done so anyway to be honest) that'd get rid of the taste not to mention give him some needed strength.

"Ellingham, further downstream I think there is some watercress growing, I don't think it's the nicest of strands but it'll have to do. Get as much as you can." Frith wouldn't be eating that anyway, Sorrel just needed some to crush into a paste to held slow the bleeding and keep infection out of the wound. He'd address Frith's question though otherwise wait in silence. "Got to at least slow this bleeding first." Sorrel told him. The movement to the den probably wouldn't do him much good, though maybe Aslan could help in some manner, he wasn't quite large enough to carry the other man of course though his could support his father far better than Sorrel could.

The little extra time in waiting for the bird to return gave him longer to keep that pressure applied as well, hopefully it was working though he wouldn't check until Ellingham was back with the watercress. It took longer than the trip to fetch the yarrow and meadowsweet but at last the owl was returning with a bunch of plants again, perhaps not quite as much as Sorrel would have really liked though it wasn't the easiest of things for the owl to pick.

Sorrel set to work anyway, he'd get some more later along with more painkillers for the Author but for now this would have to do. Finally removing his paw from the wound, Sorrel began to chew the watercress, lowering his head to the wound to start applying the paste, ensuring of course that the actual hole had the thickest layer upon it. He would have liked to have applied more though perhaps it was best that they finally let the man have his dinner. He gave a call for Aslan to come and fixed his gaze upon Frith.

"Not yet." He informed the man, guessing that he'd be wondering if it was time to head back to his den now. The watercress plaster was still too fresh as well, that would have to set a little before he could move. Ideally probably would have been a good idea for the Author to stay here and rest rest but in the heat of the Summer sun, it probably was best for him to get into some shade.