
Tinaro vs Starling



4 Years
04-24-2015, 04:30 AM
Success gleamed in his narrowed emerald eyes as his head-slam to his opponent's lower chest landed according to the improvised plan he was making up as the fight progressed. This attack, however, left Tinaro's neck exposed because of the sloping angle his body was positioned to reach his opponent's lower chest. Without realisation, Starling's teeth seized the muscle along the back of his neck (the trapezius muscle, to be exact). Although his head ached from his first attack, he had never experienced pain as strong as the bite he had just received. Still, his own bite to Starling's upper left foreleg had also landed successfully. While he tried to weakly pull the limb, of which there were no positive results because of his opponent's lowered position, the odd taste of someone else's blood came to his tongue. It was disgusting and it at once made him feel pity for his presumed hurt opponent. Was there supposed to be blood? It didn't seem right, which was why he released his grip of his opponent's foreleg. From there, he mirrored Starling's lowered position, remembering to keep his ears flat on his head, chin awkwardly tucked, hairs upon his neck lifted for protection, paws spaced evenly apart, weight equally distributed upon his four legs and tail raised in a straight line behind him. As a way to make himself look more intimidating, his lips curled back to reveal snarling teeth.

While facing his opponent head on, Tinaro's muzzle swung to his right and with carelessly strong force, swung it back to his left and attempted to collide the left side of his muzzle with the left side of Starling's muzzle (Starling's left). For this move, he clenched his teeth and scrunched his cheeks to avoid any possible damage to the insides of his mouth. Only a second after his attempt to slam their muzzles together, he would rise to his full height only to plunge his head forward (still facing Starling head on) in an attempt for his jaws to bite the lower half of Starling's left cheek. At this point, Tinaro didn't know where else to direct his attacks in fear of causing more pain to his opponent, which was why his attempted bite would be struck with feeble force to create only a quick grasp on the flesh.

Tinaro vs Starling for TRAINING SPAR
Round two of two
Narrowed eyes, ears flat on head, chin tucked, hairs upon his neck lifted, paws spaced apart, weight equally distributed for his position, tail raised in a straight line behind him, lips curled in a snarl, clenched teeth and scrunched cheeks.
Reactions: First paragraph
Attacks: Second paragraph
Injuries: Lacerations to the trapezius muscle, serious bruising to the left side of muzzle