
Campfire stories



6 Years
Extra large
04-24-2015, 04:32 PM (This post was last modified: 04-24-2015, 04:33 PM by Glacier.)
He missed his family with a deep set ache. He knew they where always there, quietly hovering over him, Voltage especially was a presence he constantly felt, even in haze or sleep, but it wasn't the same thing. He wanted Sere to attempt to climb his massive form, to run with the wind and Gale, to hear her constant laughter, to swim with Locha and help her get them both into trouble, to discover whats new with Terrae, and all the others, to be apart of their lives again, not this useless drain of resources. He didn't want to lie here helpless and useless to his beloved family. He knew he was on his way to recovery, he had already spoken to Voltage, had his first taste of fresh air, but he was yet to be surrounded by those he loved, to know first hand what had been going on with his lives.

He wanted to sit in a circle of family and laugh and share the stories of whatever adventures he had missed out on. He hobbled to the exit of his den and sat in the soft sunlight, it was late afternoon and it was quite in the pack lands and he found himself wondering where everyone was. Well, not everyone Voltage was already there beside him, through his brother was silent for the moment. Voltage was always there, it was just a fact of life, if Glacier lived, then his brother would be beside him, and vice versa. He let the moment stretch of a little bit longer before he would speak, asking the question that had been bugging him from the moment he first woke with a clear head. “I have no memories of Anais, was she here... at all?” he asked softly. In the haze of memory, he could recall the faces of all his family hovering over him at one point or another well he was sick, but none of a worried Anais, and the thought that he might have missed her presence hurt his chest, but there was another possibility too – she might not even know, she might simply think he had been too busy over the last few weeks to visit her, and that thought hurt the most. She would be in Ebony by now and if wanted to visit her it would be a long journey. Oh well... at least a journey like that would strengthen him. He gave Voltage a wry smile “Where is everyone?” he wondered.


Voltage first