
Here without you baby



6 Years
Extra large
04-24-2015, 05:37 PM

He wasn't even sure how long he had been out of the picture in the going on's in Donostrea, how long he had been wasting away in his den, but his legs felt like jelly and he knew he had a long way to go before he would be at his full strength again. He was told that Anais hadn't appeared at all well he was sick, and he knew that she didn't know what had happened to him. He found himself worrying about her, anything could have happened to her in the weeks he had been out of it, and if something had happened to her well he was lying helpless in his den... well, he would never forgive himself.

He didn't intend to be gone from his pack for long, a day, maybe two at the most depending on how long it took to travel to where Anais now was. Honestly, he couldn't spare any more time then that away from home. As it was Voltage had been sole charge for long enough, and he worried about his brothers stress levels. Voltage always took too much onto himself, and he didn't want his brother to have to stress any longer. So Glacier wouldn't be gone long, and the moment he was back he would be helping his brother once more with all pack business. He just.. he had to know that Anais was okay, that the transition into pack life had gone smoothly. If anyone could understand that need it was Voltage.

The journey was long and boring, he spent a lot of it in the slow effort of strengthening his injured paw and stretching out his other three that where no longer accustomed to such a journey. He arrived near Ebony in one peace however and set up shop outside Ebony's pack lands, enough distance away not to frighten any members with his presence before he hunted and settled himself into a good place to spend the night, after seeing Anais he would rest here before moving back to Donostrea, his body wouldn't be able to handle the return journey without nourishment and rest. He did a quick assessment of his fur, grooming down any tangled bits, through feeling sheepish with the act. He wanted to look as healthy and strong as he could before he saw her. This done he would at last raise his head and howl for her.
