
Among the Stars



5 Years
04-24-2015, 09:27 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2015, 04:33 PM by Caeli.)

Astrea stared, her eyes tracing the same paths they did every night. But something was different, she felt different. She lifted her paw and fiddled with the new wight on her chest. She never tired of the stone. It calmed her, was a comfort she did not know she needed, or even know she wanted. But she did. But it was more then the stone. It was the symbol the stone was. Ten had given her this stone as more than a gift, it was a promise of sorts. She felt his feelings as only someone connected to him could. And they where connected. When she whispered that day that she thought she loved him she was speaking a truth that she had not realized at that moment; She did love him, had since that first night they spent looking at these very stars. In her mind they where already mated, even if he was not ready to see it too.

She closed her eyes and hummed, feeling the warmth from the stone fade into her skin. It felt like Ten, his simple goodness and warm heart. But Seerten was not the only one in her thoughts. Glacier was also forefront on her mind. He had gotten better it was true, but there was something that still bothered her. He seemed too put together after his ordeal which left him incapacitated. If it had been her who was so hut that she went into unconsciousness for days she would have been a little more panicked. But he? He was still solid much like the ice that he embodied.

He has not came to her, no one has come to her. She looked up again, her eyes tracing the pathways between the stars. How can she guide her family if they never looked to her like she looked to the stars? Astrea sighed, looking away from the stars to only look out at the ocean, it as much as the stars calmed her. Maybe her family only needed time before they felt that she could help them. She just wished her family would trust her.