
dont you bore us



10 Years
Extra large
04-25-2015, 12:47 PM (This post was last modified: 04-25-2015, 12:48 PM by Lirika.)
ooc. sorry this took so long D:

Her brother spoke softly, and she could see that deep down her announcement had left him crestfallen. Breaths were soft now, consistent. Part of her felt guilt for what she'd said, but most of her remained chilled by apathy. Her brother stumbled over his speech, unsure. She blinked languidly, watching him with neutral expression. She was a patient woman, even after this encounter. Emotions had fallen back into check, even as her brother sought refuge from her accusations by turning his gaze to the stone floor beneath their paws. When they returned to search her features, she couldn't help but be reminded a little of their father. He'd been even more absent than their mother, and just up and left when she'd died. Not even so much as a farewell to them, to ice the cake. Another stuttering attempt to voice whatever was skittering through his brain and dancing over his tongue. Still nothing. Softly, cranium would tilt to one side, a mere increment of curiosity to coax her brother further. His steely gaze was pointedly fixed upon her nose. Whiskers would twitch, nostrils flaring as she breathed harshly. Childish temptation had been unavoidable, and the foolish attempt to distract him, throw him from his train of thought, had been taken.

Finally he did speak. It was halting and soft, but he got his point across. He looked so vulnerable now, titanium optics wide and gazing at her with a tiny flare of hope. She hesitated, blinking rapidly as her mercury gaze flit about the cavern in search of something else to look at. She couldn't think with him looking at her like that, like she held so much in her paws. A slow breath escaped her, brows knitting together as she thought. Could she really put her trust back into her brother, after what he'd done? A soft sigh left her, inky lips twitching into a small frown. She was too tired, too emotionally wrought. If she decided now, made a final choice as to their future relations, there was the glaring possibility that she might regret it after a long nights rest. "I- I think I would like that, Vid." She murmured, soft accented lyrics timid. Moonstone orbs locked upon the features of her younger brother once more, features drawn. "But I think I might like to sleep on it." She added quietly, watching his expression carefully. She was walking on eggshells, and couldn't quite ascertain why. Cloaked forelimbs would fold her willowy frame toward the cool stone beneath her, gaze remaining upon the form of her sibling. "Is that alright?" Russian melodies would inquire, forepaws folding neatly one over the other.

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