
Red And Gold



4 Years
04-26-2015, 01:25 PM

She was lost. It seems that after her encounter with Steel she had wondered this land like a ghost, never here nor there, just floating with no purpose behind her movements. She hunted to feed herself, slept when she had too but besides that nothing. She felt nothing, she was nothing. Nothing since she lost her family. Where was Calilia? She had not died with her mother but Takira still have not scented heads nor tails from her, it almost like her weak sister just disappear like smoke, almost like her imagination... Was Calilia her imagination? Did Takira really have the sister that she had this instinct to protect an defend?

Takira shock her large head and looked up before she ran into a tree. She did not know why she came to this cold and white place, she just did. But maybe she should turn around, this late into the fall there was bound to be more pray where it was warmer, but... She felt calmed by all the whiteness, as if the cold from the melting snow on her back fed the ice that now flowed in her veins.

She sat then her eyes scanning the white that surrounded her, alert for some reason her mind had not caught up on yet. And when movement snagged her attention Takira knew why. He was a large male and was a wonder she had not notest him before but he was white and blended well in all the white from the cold snow.

She tilted her head at him, he was a large thing but so was she. And while his white pelt was beautiful his outward arrogance really masked it. But something about him behind thew arrogance was seen, he seemed almost lonely? But... Maybe not. The confidence and arrogance masked whatever glimpse Takira saw in him.

She was half tempted to turn around slip away before she was seen. But alas since her pelt was black and he was nearly in front of her she had to stay and have an encounter. She sighed, but it was not like she had anything better to do; she was, after all, alone much like he.

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]