
just let go


06-10-2013, 08:56 PM

Despite the fact that he was allowing her to help him, she knew that he really didn't want her help. She knew exactly how he felt. Since having been abandoned by the one being that was supposed to take care of her for the rest of her life, Alessa learned to do things on her own. She learned to rely on no one else but herself. Why should she rely on anyone else? How could she? If her mother was able to leave her behind so easily, as if she were nothing, then who was to say a stranger couldn't. The creamy peach dove didn't need help from anyone else. She could do just fine on her own.

But just because she didn't want anyone to help her, didn't mean that she wasn't going to help anyone else. The boy beside her was careful with his steps, apparently not wanting her to bare all of his weight. She was somewhat glad that he was able to support most of himself. That meant that he would be able to heal a little bit faster. At least she hoped so. There wasn't much else to distract the girl from her task of taking the boy at her side to the ravine. She mentally closed off all other thought process except to bring him to the chilled water for relief. They were nearly there anyway.

What is your name anyway, miss? I'm afraid in all of this worry about my burden we managed to skip introductions. That almost made her laugh, but she suppressed the urge. She was helping him because he'd gotten hurt and he was worrying about introductions? I figured we would get to that once we got to the ravine, but I guess now's as good a time as any. My name's Alessa. Yours? She could hear the quiet trickling of the water. They were only a few feet away. The she-wolf didn't pick up her pace, but instead remained at the steady walk they had built up, knowing that it wasn't smart to rush him and risk injuring him further.

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