
Starting conversations

Absinthe 1

04-26-2015, 03:28 PM

and it's our time now if you want it to be, maul the world like a carnival bear set free

The pale lady was very nice, just as she'd predicted. Even better, she paused to speak to her, halting her strides so she could look at the girl and speak to her. A small, bashful smile came to play at the violet lass' features. She introduced herself as Novella, the alpha of Threar. A small gasp left the girl and she dipped her head respectfully. "It's real nice to meet you, missus alpha Novella." She replied, wispy banner giving a small wag of delight. The pallid female added that she had family living in Fiori, a niece and her family. A small coo of intrigue left her, mismatched orbs widening. "Really? Maybe I'll get to meet them!" She announced with a grin. This wasn't as scary as she'd thought it would be, talking to strangers. Miss Novella assured her she would be alright to remain there, as long as she didn't make any trouble. Well, she couldn't really make any promises, but she'd try not to make mischief.

When a query about her parents was posed, the girl frowned lightly. She dropped her gaze, pale toes playing at the dirt beneath them. "Not really, I followed a tall lady here." She mumbled, frowning. Come to think of it, she probably should have thought this adventure through a little better. Bacchus would probably be worried if she didn't come home soon, or at least check in with him. She'd go back home before it got dark, and tell her moms where she'd been. "It's okay, I'm gonna go home later and tell them." She assured the alpha, trying her best to smile. She wouldn't get kicked out, would she? It had been an honest mistake, she hadn't even thought of what her mommies would do if she just left like that. Her birth moms had never minded.. After a while, at least.

sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!