
Among the Stars



5 Years
04-26-2015, 05:33 PM

She again fiddled with her stone, the new habit she developed soon after getting it. She hummed, her eye focusing on a cloud that rolled over the northern star. She did not mind the clouds like one would think, in fact she welcomed the eldest in her litter's presence in the sky. It was a comfort, He may not know it but Arcus was just as important to the sky as she was, he just needed to open up a little assert himself, he didn't have to be flashy just there. She tilted her head, would Arcus come to her for help? She did not think so, She would more then likely have to go to him, and she would soon...

She was about to nod and get up then to look for her stormy brother when a voice behind her made her jump a bit. She hoped her brother did not see, but it was likely he did. But it was not everyday someone came up to her perch, not even Sol and Selini spent nearly as much time as she did up on the cliff. Hell she even slept up on the cliff, curled up in the sun under the sleeping stars.

The star child hummed at her brother's comment. She glanced at him as he settled near her. He was so large, bigger then even Ten but he was almost a teddy bear to his family, she was never intimidated by him as some may think. "I am always among the stars. It is my place." She hummed again, pawing at her necklace. She looked away from the stars to give the big solid male a shy smile. "But my family needs me, even if at times I do not feel like it," She hummed.

She turned her body then, the smile fading from her face, a serious glint to her eye. She has not spent a whole lot of time with the eldest brother, he was always busy with her other siblings. But now was not time to think of that, he was just recovering from his injury and more then likely felt the frustration from his weakness and inaction. "How are you feeling, brother? Any lingering weakness?" Not that she did not have faith in Terrae's skills but wolves like her elder brother tended to hid pain when they shouldn't.
