
Red And Gold



4 Years
04-26-2015, 09:05 PM

She smirked as he seemed to bristle at her casual and amused attitude. But he seemed to calm himself quickly, that or hide his inner most thoughts. She watched him mull over her name then and seemed to approve of it, which was neither here nor there, it was a name that meant a lot to her mother so she held it with pride, weather others liked it or not. After she asked him in turn what his name was he seemed to turn up the arrogance, opting to flirtation instead of aggression. He moved forward then, his eyes betraying his mischief. She did not move as he swept his tail close to her face, but instead fallowed him with her eyes as he swept past her.

"N you say?"

Takira wondered if it was truly is name or just a alias that he thought would protect him. She shrugged, she did not truly care, if that is what he wanted to be called then that is what she would call him. And besides she was not under any illusion that she would ever see him again so why did she care if he told her his real name or not. Right? But frankly if she thought about it this male did not seem to be one to let something he wanted to just walk away from him. But the question would not be if he would let something he consider his walk away it was whether he would be possessive after this encounter.

He calmed himself after she did not act aggressive after his display. She did not want to fight, not with him, she would save that for the wolves that killed her mother. Not this amusing guy. With the thought of that night on her mind, she almost missed the fact that N's new focused on her face, but not just her face but the scars that adorned her left eye.

She blinked in shock as he asked about her scars. This was the first time she was shaken after he approached her. She shock her head, looking away from him, which was dumb because the male could still decide that he was done playing with her and instead have a different kind of fun with a fight. "Um well..."

She paused as words seemed to fail her. Was she able to tell this total stranger the most intimate point in her life? She was not even sure she knew his name, let alone why he wanted to know why she had those scars.

Then she just shrugged, who cared. It was past, she would find the wolves who did it and kill them like they killed her mother, so who cared it she told the world knew where the scares that slashed her face, the same scars the slashed her mothers face and her mothers before her, came from. "Well, you could say they where gifts from two wolves who wanted to die." She growled then, deep in her chest. Her eyes sharp as she looked at the ground in front of her.

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]