
Red And Gold



10 Years
Dragon Mod
04-27-2015, 02:20 AM
I seem to have struck a chord... He would say to himself. Eyeing her carefully. The question of her scars seemed to open something within her, for she was clearly deep in thought. Her words failed her, for they fell from ebony lips in a stutter as if she were struggling to speak. One brow raised, he stood still as fell into a mask of emotionless state. Perhaps...he could play this into favor. Not only for him, but for her as well. For what seemed like long moments, he would remain patient. And whether she chose to speak or not, he would either walk away and leave her to empty thoughts, or take advantage and charm. Though the first option seemed more promising...and just as soon as he was about to make his choice, she spoke. It seemed she had come to a decision.

Interest piqued his mind, watching the girls cool approach turn to anger, her words directed at the snow yet laced with venom. Two wolves who wanted to did she kill them? Or do they still wander? The questions pricked him like a thorn, and so it would be only natural for him to ask. Sure, there were those who deserved to die...and certainly the pair that "gifted" her the scars deserved it perhaps. But the underlying reason? Barbarians? Traitors? Or Maybe she was a traitor? He didn't know the story, nor did he really care. But this opportunity he would not pass up, and it was only natural for him to take advantage and attempt at working his magic, no?

"My, you sound angry darling..." His voice was low, though somewhat sympathetic for only a moment before casting itself into an emotionless void. One that held a statement. A purpose. "So tell me, have the vermin payed? Or do they still roam free in the lands? I too have had my share of...trouble. And there are those not to be forgiven. So, if it suits you, we can hunt them down. You and I, allies of sorts. Two sets of skills are better then one, don't you agree?" He lifted himself not in arrogance, but as if to make a statement that he was not weak. And yes, he would take on the world if it were against him...for it seemed as if it always were. Should she choose to ally herself with him, then a plan would be set into motion. For not only would she get her revenge, but he too would get the chance to instill his name in the whispers of the wind. Hell, perhaps they both would. Though he never thought about partnering up with anyone besides his brother, no wolf could continuously survive alone.

"What say you? Unless of course, you want to continue roaming these lands searching in's your choice, Dear Raven." Though it was not her name, she bore the dark colors of one. And he found that it suited her so easily...she could be stealthy, provided she had the right training and could possibly massacre a few souls from the darkness. However, her choice would be decided upon her next words. For he figured not only would it benefit him, but perhaps her as well.


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