
Starting conversations



5 Years
04-27-2015, 06:09 AM
It was an easy mistake to have made but a mistake all the same judging from the girls giggles, it was apparently rather funny notion. Bacc was just her friend apparently, another pup within the pack then perhaps, though Absinthe would set that record straight before Novella even had a chance to guess. The poor girl had been orphaned at some point it seemed. The festival surely seemed like nothing in comparison to those days. She would nod her head understandingly but choose not to investigate the topic too much. Losing parents was never an easy thing, Novella had found it tough enough at her age and she could only imagine how difficult it must have been for Absinthe. It was sad though Novella would of course focus upon the light; Absinthe appeared to be well looked after now and was being raised well, she may have lost one but she at least she had found another family now.

The talk of the festival would lift their spirits from the saddening topics. Absinthe apparently was convinced that it would all be fun and Novella could only hope it would live up to the girl's expectations. At the moment it all appeared to be interesting enough for her, even if she was just stuck talking to a strange alpha. "That's good to know." Novella responded with a smile.

Perhaps she would offer the girl a little bit more about the festival, although she was excited anyway the clue didn't exactly make it very obvious what would be happening. She didn't want Absinthe getting her hopes up too much for her only to be disappointed somewhere down the line. Perhaps she'd even find something fun for her to do right this moment in case the conversation did get boring for her soon."So Absinthe, what do you like to do?"