
Welcome to the Hotel California :]

Pontifex I


06-10-2013, 10:33 PM

This first time in the company of another that wasn't his family. It was exactly bad, but it wasn't amazing either. Perhaps he wasn't too excited about being around Eria because he was still reeling from the unexpected death of his brother, but he was doing alright wasn't he? He wasn't exactly sure how these types of interactions went, but it wasn't going too bad. Besides, he couldn't linger on the death of his brother for too long. He had to move on sometime or another.

These caves were surely new to him, perhaps they were new Eria as well? She didn't seem perturbed by the fact that she didn't know the area well. She embraced her new surroundings, plunging in head first to explore. Pontifex simply followed alongside, more or less ready to explore the caves that they were now sheltered in. Audits twitched to attention as the darker woman at his side spoke up, asking him if he thought the caves went up or deeper inside the mountain. I honestly couldn't tell you, but my guess would be deeper into the mountain. From what I've heard, most caves go through to the other side if they aren't just shallow little crevices. But I could be wrong. He allowed his shoulders to rise in a shrugging motion, probably unseen to Eria seeing as though it was nearly pitch black inside the caves. He could tell that she was concerned with the safety aspect of things, but the brute didn't think they had much to worry, if except for a possible snake or two taking shelter or poisonous bugs if at that.

From the corner of his golden gaze the knight noticed Eria stealing glances at him, a smile curling her inky lips as she easily kept pace with him. She seemed to be much more excited about exploring these caves than he was and he felt somewhat guilty. She was doing everything she could to be nice and here he was, moping around. He really should be trying to be more enjoyable but he just couldn't find the energy to muster it. She didn't really seem to notice anyway. And then before them the cave opened up, gaping as he realized that three separate entries opened up before them, each possibly leading to a different spot in the mountain. Eria turned towards him, asking him which one they should take. Pontifex turned to face the three choices, unsure of which to choose. I'm not sure. Any one of them could lead us to who knows where...

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