
Show Me How To Be Strong



7 Years
Extra large

04-27-2015, 10:47 AM
Though he was far different from his siblings, he didn't think he was any better.. and certainly not stronger. Maybe physically, but he knew they excelled at a hundred things when compared to him. Lark would hold the embrace for as long as Finch needed, happy for her touch even if he wouldn't have sought it out on his own. Another rare smile touched his lips as she licked his nose, and he felt his heart fill with warmth and the love he had for his sister. The expression faltered slightly when she admitted she didn't like herself. "What's not to like?" he asked, a bit stubbornly, not wanting her to believe she was worth anything less than she was, not for a moment. "You're a little shy, and you ought to believe in yourself more, but that's normal," he said as he leaned to nudge her when she looked away from him. "And it's something you can work on. But I don't know what you wouldn't like. You're sweet and caring, and your voice is sweeter than birdsong." He knew she loved to sing, and wished she'd do it more, for her voice really was quite nice.

She tried to explain why she felt weak, but it seemed she had difficulty explaining why she felt that way. "Things will get easier, I promise Finch," he assured her gently, his own brows furrowing in slight frustration. Not at her.. but at himself, for not knowing how to make her feel better. "You should try to meet some of the other kids in Abaven. Maybe that would help you. They'll love you, especially when they hear you sing."

It was surprising, though, when she asked to learn defenses. Like.. in fighting? He frowned a bit. "Do you want to know how to fight? Or just want to defend yourself? You know I'll kill anyone that tries to hurt you, right?" He was serious, though teasing only slightly. Why anyone would ever try to hurt Finch, he didn't know, but.. if she wanted to know how to protect herself he would teach her. "I can show you what I know though, if you really want."