
i thought of angels choking on their halos



7 Years
Extra large

04-27-2015, 11:08 AM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2015, 11:09 AM by Lark.)
The talk of goddesses sitting up in the sky, making floods and earthquakes seemed quite far-fetched to him. Lark couldn't really find any interest in it and it was hard to believe it was true, especially since his parents had never told him about anything like that before. Still, it wasn't super important to him.. but it seemed that this girl was quite offended at his lack of belief. He wrinkled his nose as he perched on the edge of the rapids, watching her. "And you've seen her? At the ocean?" He felt a bit defensive himself, but after he spoke he shrugged. She cared about it a lot, that was obvious, and he didn't really feel like arguing with her over something she clearly would never budge on.

He snorted indignantly as she retorted, rather than giving him her name. "I you care about this moon goddess so much, shouldn't you be proud of who you are?" he'd probe questioningly. "I'm Lark Destruction, though. My dad's the leader here." A slight smirk tugged at his lips as he assessed the rapids one more time. Finally, without hesitation, he'd leap forward to one of the rocks. It was far more slick than he expected, and he barely landed at all before he felt his paws give out under him. In a moment of quick thinking as he scrambled higher onto the rock, using all his strength to stay balanced. No wonder they tell us kids to stay away from the rapids...