


06-10-2013, 10:42 PM

Awaken laid down by the trunk, glaring at his brother. He watched Sixx intensely, his silence was deadlier than his words. He remained quiet for a moment before speaking. "Who and what is sacrement. I want you to expain afew things. We'll have a calm convorsation for a while and then you'll leave. Got it?" His ears perked up as he stood again, his paws touching the line to ensure that Sixx stayed on his side. His green eyes locked onto Sixx's blue eyes.?

?His expression remained stone cold during his explaination of the mystery cat. So she literaly was a cat. And by the sound of it, a big one. His ears caught Sixx's comparision to his forgoten past. "I'm beggining to think I don't want to remember myself. So the thing is Sacrement will kill everyone if I dont come back right?" he asked. The demon nodded. "And what will she do if im already dead? Turn around and leave everyone alone?" ?He sighed as the idea was shot down. He's have to discuss it with Gargoyle. He didn't want people to die because he took the cowards way out.

Awaken looked Sixx dead in the eyes. "Brother. I don't want to kill you, but I'm not leaving. If you were really my packmember you'd recongize I was happy here and leave me be. ?He inched closer to Sixx.
Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)