
OPEN - Adopt an Amell!


04-27-2015, 02:53 PM
Appearance: Theliel is like the night, his coloration able to resemble the starry night if one so wished to describe him as that. He holds quite the large frame, at thirty six inches in height, meant more for fighting and strength than speed and stealth. Even though he may not be the best at dodging attacks, he can take blows more easily than others, even if it doe hurt the male. Theliel's frame may be alluring to some, but he is so plain in his coloration that most others would find him hard to notice. And yet, despite all that has happened to the yearling, he keeps an air of dignity that would make others believe that he did not have such a past.

Theliel's coat would be the darkest of ebony, not true black, if not for the pale silver markings that decorates him. A patch over his left eye, the tip of his right ear being coated in silver, his tail tip in silver, and his stomach are all the markings he has. The male's eyes are not of the same color, exactly; or rather, not the same shade. His right eye is the coolest of mint greens, while her left eye is acidic green.

Personality: Theliel is a quiet wolf, reserved and to himself, although inside the quiet male is filled with rage at those who wanted to kill him. One day, the male plans to get his revenge. This rage can make the male short tempered, as he has nothing to take it out on. While he can be quite unfriendly, he will stay by Aarin's side, through rough times and times where neither of them are in the best of moods. He loves his sibling, and he would do anything to protect them; even throw himself into fights without thinking. Anything to keep them happy and safe.

Theliel has never thought of finding a mate; his first priority is his sibling. Those who try and steal his heart will find that it is no easy game, almost impossible, as the male is constantly looking after those he loves. If another does manage to steal his heart, though, Theliel will be a sweet wolf, although he may not be the most talkative at times. But he will never leave, and if he does, it will not be for long; to hunt, for this or for that. Like with he does with Aarin, he will put his mate's needs and hopes ahead of his, even if he gets sick doing it.

Theliel is a clever male, trained a little in the art of healing. If another he loves gets sick, the male will not give up until he finds whatever he needs, and staying by their side until they are fine. This determination can get him into trouble as well, as the male can be a little snappy when he's working on something. He hates to be interrupted when he is doing something important, as it may help another or even save the others life.

Past: After Theliel left the family with his sibling and Sariel, he stayed by his sibling's side, going anywhere they went. Until he went hunting, despite his instincts to stay with them because of the upcoming storm. But the male did not. There was a flood around where he was at, and the male ran to the highest ground he could find.....Which turned to be a distance away from where his sibling and Sariel were at.

RP Sample: No. Not that way. Where was he?

Theliel gave a soft sigh, his mismatched gaze searching for anything that would give him a clue on how to get back.