
Welcome to the Family



2 Years
Extra large
04-27-2015, 04:44 PM
Absinthe wouldn't take too long to awaken, though her grogginess would linger for a few long moments. He'd smile softly as he awaited an answer, his impatience resulting in a couple easy nudges. Suddenly though she was all there, eager to answer with a quick reply. His expression would brighten as he licked her forehead, her worrisome words hardly glancing off his bright features. "Of course they're going to like you! Come on." He'd nudge her playfully once more, not hesitating to lead them forward.

They really didn't have to go far, he was actually half surprised either of his mothers had not tried to come and find him yet. He kind of enjoyed having his own den and the responsibility of taking care of Abby. Was this what growing up was supposed to be like? He'd been kind of lost for a while, not knowing how much of his child hood he should hold on to. How much of it could he keep?

He wouldn't dwell on his thoughts for very long, his mother's den was close. Before he knew it though Athena was before them, his smile wouldn't falter as she greeted them. There was a question in her posture as well as her voice as he led Abby closer. "This is Absinthe, she was in trouble so I helped her. And, she lost her mommies so I told her I'd share you with her." He'd grow a little more shy at the end, but there was obvious hope in his features.
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