



06-10-2013, 11:15 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The poor young wolf shivered, obviously frazzled by whatever had caused her to go darting off into the territory as she had. If anything, the involuntary movement only managed to increase Mercianne's worry. Maybe she was getting in over her head. If it was something incredibly serious, either another attack or someone severely injured, then there was likely little she could do in terms of offering assistance. She would be useless. She would be wasting time. She could be hindering someone's survival.

Before her worry could completely obliterate any sense of confidence she had, the yearling spoke up, informing her of a white wolf who had chased her here and then of a black wolf who had come to her rescue. As she listened, Merci's ears began to fall back against her skull. So another attack then. Was it the same wolves who she knew of? The crazed loner had been very adamant about making his presence known, always to cause even more disruption to the poor Glaciem wolf Awaken. Can it be him? she wondered nervously, an uneasiness settling somewhere in her stomach.

As a fight was mentioned, the timid, creamy white wolf's ears perked. That was something she could help with, at least, though it was not something she was particularly happy about. If there was no fighting at all that would have been preferable. But if they were the individuals she was thinking of - and the young wolf's descriptions were not so far off - then it was likely a definite possibility to find once she got there. And the sooner that was the better.

Mercianne trailed quickly in the wake of the yearling wolf, her stomach in a nervous mess the longer she thought about what she might find. More open wounds? More torn muscle? More pain and injury that she would need to do her best to fix? Would she even be skilled enough this time around to tend to the carnage she might find once they arrived where they were going? None of her thoughts were helping, depleting what little courage she had in her abilities the further they went. She was only too grateful that the poor pup was facing forward as she led them to their destination; she would have hated for her to know the help she had sought was having second thoughts.

At last they did arrive, and one more Mercianne's stomach turned. She recognized the wolf who stood alone beneath the tree that bordered the pack's territory, and felt certain in that instant of who the other wolf who had caused the commotion had been as well. "Awaken!" Thoughts full of what she might be needed to do, the little white wolf hurried around her small guide and rushed to the larger, darkly colored wolf's side, sniffing and glancing about his frame even before she stopped beside him with a look of worry and concern about her face. "Are you okay?" she asked, anxious, ears tucked, but as her dark brown eyes roamed over him she saw nothing new, nothing red or bleeding. He didn't even look a little bit ruffled. Relief began to fill her then, and a heavy sigh rolled out from her lungs as her eyes rose to meet his again, too comforted by knowing he was fine to feel embarrassed about overreacting.