
It's Not About the Money


04-28-2015, 05:58 PM
#6; background-position: bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;  border:2px solid #9ba17b;">

Even now, she could still remember his frantic form, sprinting across the sloping hills and diving right into her. During her heat season, as well! What a smashing coincidence! It was awkward, and Bass had certainly looked more innocent and young back then. Now, he was larger, and he had already experienced sex for himself. He appeared to be a real king in her eyes. Back then, for some odd reason, she viewed him as some little brother-friend mix. Well...before their completely awkward first meeting, when she had attempted to flirt with him. Bleh, they've both had some real humiliating memories. No wonder Bass tried to forget them all.

Wren giggled quietly as he shouldered her, asking if she had wanted a rise out of him once again. The woman smirked and stood to her paws. Maybe...she did? After all, they were older, they were married. Less innocent, less awkward, right? It wouldn't be as difficult as that one time, hopefully. Wren, even though a little weaker than Bass, attempted to knock him to the ground, standing over him with her nose nearly pressed up against his.

If she were to be completely successful, she'd lick at his muzzle lovingly, a devious smirk still resting upon her features. "Questo è per me sapere e per voi di scoprire." She whispered in a rather husky voice, one that she only used when she felt...needy. Which, was almost never. The one time she and her husband actually did it was when she was sick, exhausted. She couldn't be thrilled and naughty during that time, unfortunately.

But now...she had that chance. As long as Bass was also up for it.
