
So this is it



9 Years
04-29-2015, 03:07 AM
It had been so very long since he'd rested his weary, burning muscles, his fluttering eyelids begging for sleep. Xephyris resisted and plodded onward, his belly full enough from a snow hare he'd snatched up in the night. His bones ached from the cold; though the sun still hung in the sky it dipped lower with each day, casting long, chilly shadows on the ground. The dark days got him wondering about the colder season ahead. Life alone had been easy during the seasons when prey was plentiful, but everything had become more scarce as the sun set sooner with each passing day. It had forced him to begin thinking about what he wished to achieve. Perhaps his ambitions were a little lofty. A lone wolf in strange lands without a name for himself coudln't obtain what he sought. With winter on its way, all of his time would be geared toward survival, and he would spend yet another season straying from his desired path. He would have to shift gears, and soon.

As he mulled over these thoughts, it was the scent of wolves that entered his nares. In an instant he knew he had reached the borders of a pack. He stopped all forward motion, sneering at the thought of approaching a group of unfamiliar wolves. He had traveled for moons, hoping to find a greater purpose than duty to a pack. He didn't wish to live the life of a commoner, tied down to the order and desires of someone else. And yet... he wondered if it was pack life that truly called to him. He craved the structure and routine of a pack that made him feel useful, to be part of a working system again. The thought pulled to him, and he stepped forward. Then he hesitated, gritting his teeth in resistance; the thought of taking commands and following the law of unfamiliar wolves made him anxious. He couldn't surrender himself to just anyone...

So this was where his ambitions had led him. He sighed heavily, aggravated and disappointed that it had come to this, but unwilling to stand around in the cold by himself any longer. Xephyris stepped forward again, crossing into claimed territory with both resolve and uncertainty. The great wrecked ship that this pack had claimed came into view, the sun glaring off its strange, shining sides. He paused then, squinting his eyes to try to get a good look at it, but he'd never seen anything quite like it. Frowning, he shrugged and tilted back his head, letting out a call to those who lived here. His paws crunched in the hardening snow, and he awaited the approach of anyone, wondering what was to come of any encounter; it had been a very long time since he'd met anyone, and he wasn't sure how he felt about submitting himself to strangers...