
most of all



13+ Years

Treat 2019
04-29-2015, 10:00 AM

Rhythm hardly knew anything about Kyarst's past, yeah they'd had a tender moment remembering those that had been lost to them but Rhy had no idea what Kyarst had been through. She was a delicate flower in comparison, the wound in her foot might have been the most serious of any injury she'd ever received. The Destruction girl was very much sheltered, not that she'd even realize her innocence in comparison. Perking her dark ears the girl would listen as Kyarst told her of the scars that littered her body. Not that she could even see any of them, and Valentine would probably be pretty disappointed if she was close enough to the other male to see these scars.

He seemed like he carried his battle wounds with pride, and Rhythm wondered for one half second how she'd react to a few scars. Would she look tougher if she had scars littering her muzzle? She kind of liked the smooth untouched fur of her features. Scars probably were not for her. Kyarst on the other hand was very much confident that these would not be the last of the marks that littered his body, Rhythm would nod in agreement. A pack guard like himself would not escape unscathed, not that he'd try to avoid injury like she did.

He'd almost catch her off guard as he questioned her softly, the pain in her paw had been forgotten as they talked. Her grin would widen as he asked his question the answer was simple. "Of course! Can't have you bleeding out all over the place." She'd redistribute her weight to nudge at his shoulder playfully. "Just stay out of those life-threatening situations, okay? You're only allowed moderate wounds." Her tone was obviously joking, but there was a truth there. She didn't know what she'd do if she was forced to face the possibility of losing her friend.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads