
Baby baby



3 Years
Extra large
04-29-2015, 10:38 AM
Esti would respond well to his touch, huffing a sigh of relief as she tucked her features beneath his neck. He found himself smiling softly as he looked down at her form beside him and the tiny boy beside her. He felt an almost overwhelming emotion wash over him as he felt an incredible sense of protectiveness. This wasn't his woman and this was not his son, but the sense of completeness he felt was undeniable. What was this? He would mentally shake himself as he focused on Esti's words. This wasn't his family, he couldn't try and regain his lost childhood by barging in on Valentine's claim. This was the alpha's son, and Esti surely didn't want a not even grown wolf trying to play dad.

She'd nuzzle into him after she admitted that she wasn't quite sure of him yet.He was only a little better than fine but that was plenty. He'd return her nuzzle, feeling the potential in their touch but knowing just as well as Esti that they could try nothing but these simple affections. For today at least. Still, she was eager to be closer, she'd push herself further into his embrace and he shift to hold her more tightly to him. She'd offer a kiss and he would aim to return the gesture, if she wanted love and affections he was surely not about to deny her those. With a soft smile and lidded yellow eyes Revenge would shower her in gentle affections, obviously much more confident than their last meeting.