
Traveling Wanderer



9 Years
04-29-2015, 12:23 PM
Kavdaya Of The Nomads

Kavdayas sleep didn’t last very long; maybe even only a second after she dozed. A yelp crackled through her dreamy half-sleep and she was awake in an instant, ears cocked. She rose to her paws and trotted out of the den, following the scent of a stranger on the wind. She found him sprawled on the ground, eyes squinched shut in what looked like pain. She approached cautiously, as she knew some wolves in pain tended to lash out at those who got to close. ”Are you alright?” Her eloquent Irish accent gave her words a soft flavor, a soothing note on her low, soft tones. Amethyst flecked sapphires scanned his form, seeking any clear injuries. What had happened? There was no sign of a struggle, no scent of blood.

She waited for the male to answer before she would come closer. While she waited, she took in his appearance. He was mostly dark grey, with other shades of grey for his markings. Thus far, she couldn’t see his eyes. Her mind ran over the various plants and roots for pain; Valerian roots, Aconite, Chamomile to relax muscles. As she looked around to see if any of those might be growing within range, she noted the willows. Fool. Willow bark was great for pain. Her eyes trailed along the boughs, noticing that some of them seemed to have been woven together. Right over where the male lay. She didn’t puzzle over that long, instead trotting to the trunk of one of the willows to scrape her canines over the bark, pulling a strip away.

She kept one eye on the male until she approached and stopped a couple feet away and dropped the strip. “If you chew this and swallow the juice, it ought to help with any pain. I am Kavdaya of the Nomads.”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: C87vX2z.png]