
Let's Try This Again


04-29-2015, 01:37 PM
#5; background-repeat: no-repeat;   border:2px solid #671f03;">

When Bass' howl tore through the quiet air, Wren had been contently sitting upon a large stone, her eyes gazing over her home. But she wasn't just sightseeing. She was thinking. Thinking about life, her duties as Bass' wife...and her sweet children, who were already so big and mature. It was nothing negative, like future battles or anything like that. She was just...trying to relax without Bass, considering he had been so busy lately. Thank goodness for Allen, who stepped up as the Azgrat to assist him. Without a secondary alpha, Bass was running around, unable to spend time with his family.

But today it seemed he had the time. Wren slowly lifted off her haunches and jumped down from the rock, her legs casually carrying her toward Bass and her family. Probably another Italian lesson, considering the children still didn't know everything. Pretty soon, she began to sprint, all the way until she saw Bass and two of her five kids seated beside the river. Wren smiled and halted, but quickly moved over to Bass' side and sat with him. "What's the point of learning it, though?" Wren blinked and eyed her son, a weak smile blossoming across her lips.Good morning, love

Perhaps he was a bit annoyed. But Italian, or rather, any foreign language was quite difficult to learn. And quite tiring, as well. The girl stood to her paws and bounded over to Shrike, cuddling up into his slumped form and nuzzling into him. "Coraggio, mia cara!" Wren practically sung to him, seating herself beside him and nipping at his ear playfully. "Our Italian connects us as a family. Your father and I aren't trying to bore you." She laughed, tail thumping energetically at the ground.
