
I'm Not Gonna Write You a Love Song


06-11-2013, 01:52 AM

Three years wasn't very long to learn everything there was too learn about life. His parents always told him that even when he reached their age, he would never stop learning. And that's what he was doing now. Learning. Learning about Song, learning about these new feelings brewing inside him and barely scratching the surface on love. He still wasn't completely sure what that was yet or what it felt like, but he knew if she stuck around this pretty dove, then he would know first hand what it felt like. He knew he wasn't at that point yet because after all they'd just met, but the feelings he had for her were intense. He liked her a lot. He wanted to do everything and anything for her, to always keep her happy and laughing and smiling. That would be his goal. Always make her smile and laugh. Pretty attainable at the rate he was going.

For a guy who'd never flirted, much less had a girlfriend, he wasn't doing half bad. He'd snagged a very pretty girl on the first try. How many could say that? His first time out on his own without the comfort of his family and here he was, finding himself a pretty lady to talk too. Going from having no one to talk to, to suddenly never wanting to separate himself from Song's side. Funny how things work sometimes. He wasn't complaining though. He was far from complaining. This is the best thing that could've ever happened to him. What a better woman to fall in love with. Fate was smiling at him right now and he was beyond thankful.

He didn't know what it was about Song, but he couldn't help but be so relaxed with her. Despite being internally self-conscious and extremely nervous, none of that showed on the outside. He was so calm and relaxed and at this point acting silly. He wasn't afraid that she was going to think that he looked ridiculous. He was firm in his belief as her pealing laughter hit his squished ears, making his tail wag against the earth, picking up dirt. Once the blood began pooling in his ears Cherokee righted himself, shaking his head to clear the blood away as he stretched, tongue lashing out to caress her cute little porcelain chin. She offered up exploring the pools. A devious grin curled his dark kissers as she mentioned the water. We can do whatever you want... he rumbled playfully, setting his crown down on his paws as he gaze up at her with mismatched eyes, waiting to see what she would choose.

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