
Plant Identification



3 Years
05-01-2015, 05:35 AM
Stupid festival. What on earth was the point of all of this, crowding a bit of land with a bunch of strangers, him included when they all could have been at home probably doing better things. Apparently this could be a learning curve as well, the healers all identifying some of the plants they used and sharing their uses though Sorrel still wasn't sure that he particularly wished to participate. Not for the first time he wished his mother was here, she would have been the most experienced healer in Threar and leading this little gathering otherwise. There was another healers in Threar now too, just because he had been here the longest did it really have to fall on his shoulders? Oh well, he might as well get this all over and done with. A rather short howl called the healers to the little gathering and the irritable boy sat and waited for their arrival.


Healers, do you know your plants? Take a look at this little selection and see if you can identify which plant is which. Most come from the guidebook though there are a few additional plants on the list as well.

You don't need to but you can post your characters turning up, though do not include your answers in these posts, send those by PM to Sorrel's account by 10th May 2AM Ala time. Even if you have multiple healers, please only only guess the once though feel free to bring them all into the thread. Afterwards I'll announce the winners here and we officially begin an actual little discussion/lesson for the group so the healers have some IC bonding and learning time too.

And the winner is... KAT!

1. It's far too sunny, you won't find this here.

2. Got an itch that your foot just can't scratch?

3. Don't blame me if you cut your mouth getting this one, at least the roots and leaves will help you afterwards.

4. This will be good for that pedicure.

5. We can get better!

6. It may not be cold but it will help those burns.

7. This may help your stomach, wait you're not pregnant are you?

8. Are you sure it's safe to eat this?

9. You'd better freshen your breath before you try kiss your girlfriend.

10. I remember!

11. You want more?

12. Good luck getting some of that one, why do childproof lids exist?

13. You're looking a little thin...

14. Old or young this can help you.

15. Calm down, let's talk about it over a cup of tea.