
Choose Your Fate

Rune I


5 Years
05-01-2015, 09:53 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

As always, the Huntress was prompt in her answer to his summons, arriving with her large son in tow. Rune eyed the pair of them with approval in his frosty blue eyes, sitting a little straighter and feeling proud to have them both as part of his home and family. Akemi was a value that he had not expected to attain, and he hoped her son would prove just as much an asset as his mother was. The small girl who should have been with them was nowhere within sight, and curiously the Guardian glanced behind the approaching pair as if to see if she was merely straggling behind. Still nothing. Not exactly encouraging information, but he tried not to let it discourage him.

The hard planes of the grey wolf's face softened as the little wolf greeted him and the tiny creature upon her brow did the same. "Good day," he echoed, "I'm glad to see you all doing well. I had hoped Zisa would be with you, but perhaps she will arrive a little late." A searching glance was given to the absent girl's mother, wondering if she had any ideas of where her daughter might have been or if she would show. Whatever the case, he did not intend to postpone the meeting on her account.

"I wanted to speak to you about an important decision," he explained, "and I thought having you all together would be the best way to do it." Rune's eyes shifted to stare directly a the tall yearling, clearly indicating that what he had to say was meant specifically for him. "You're of an age where you should begin training for whichever task you are most interested in, Einarr. I don't know if you've given it thought before or if you have an idea what you would like to do, but it's time to begin thinking of what you would like to do." He gave a small pause, allowing the news to settle since, if unexpected, it would likely catch the Youth off guard. "Have you thought about what task you are interested in?" Rune questioned, adopting a gentler tone than he typically spoke with. He did not want to frighten the kid, nor did he want to pressure him. He simply wanted him to start thinking of the future. His future.